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#180 The Future of Bio Innovations

Advances in biological sciences, combined with the accelerating development of computing, data processing, and artificial intelligence (AI), are fueling a new wave of innovation that could have significant impact in sectors across the economy, from healthcare and agriculture to consumer goods and energy. At present we are finding a rapidly evolved discipline to bring bio innovations:


The projected applications will cover a wide spread of innovations that hitherto were not feasible:

There is a wide range of research efforts that will now cover the bio domains:

Human health and performance have the most scientific advances and the clearest pipeline
from research to application. The science is advanced, and the market is generally accepting
of innovations. However, based on our use cases, the impact could be far more broad-based:
in the next ten to 20 years, more than half of the direct impact is likely to be outside health,
primarily in agriculture and consumer products.

The potential for beneficial economic and social impact seems enormous. As much as
60 percent of the physical inputs to the global economy could, in principle, be produced
biologically. Our analysis suggests that around one-third of these inputs are biological
materials, such as wood, cotton, and animals bred for food. For these materials, innovations
can improve upon existing production processes. 

Personally this will require reliance on medical services. Investments in biological stocks is questionable.

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